Welcome Year 7's
Secondary Headteacher Welcome
It is with pleasure that I can welcome you, and your child to Eastbury Community School, Secondary phase. Here at Eastbury, creating opportunities that allow all members of our school community to realise their full potential is at the heart of our ethos. We recognise that success comes in many forms, we value the individual talents and attributes our pupils have, and aim to create an environment where these unique talents can be developed, within a community that has a culture of respect, inclusivity and ambition.
Being part of an all-through school comes with many advantages and opportunities. The school community thrives when pupils from toddlers in nursery through to young adults in sixth form are united on one site under one set of common values. Shared facilities and resources provides pupils with continuity and stability and transitions from Primary to Secondary, and Secondary to sixth form, which means that usual periods of uncertainty and anxiety for many, become seamless, and are approached with confidence and positivity.
Resources are also shared by teaching staff and subject specialists in Primary and Secondary, who work closely together to ensure continuity in learning. This ensures that repetition is avoided as much as possible, with a focus instead on the progression of the knowledge and skills gained from the students’ Primary education, regardless of which school they joined us from.
We look to provide a diverse, inclusive, challenging, ambitious and aspirational curriculum, that reflects our local context. We establish this through excellent teaching and learning, where diversity is celebrated and inclusivity promoted. We are a community where every pupil is recognised, valued and challenged to achieve the best academic outcomes they can, to develop character and leadership skills and to receive individual careers advice when deciding next steps. We recognise that when young people feel safe and happy, they are then able to succeed both in and outside the classroom.
I am excited to welcome you to our Secondary phase here at Eastbury Community School. I am excited to welcome you to our Secondary phase here at Eastbury Community School and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 4th September!
Best wishes
Ms K Ward
Head of Secondary
Finalise your Eastbury Enrolment
We are delighted to have received your application and we now require additional details to complete your enrolment with us.
- You will have received an email (sent to the email address you gave in your application) with details of how to do this. Please do so as soon as possible.
- If you have not received an email, please contact the school office via email at office@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk or call 020 8507 4500
- Failure to have fully enrolled your child is a Safeguard issue, as it is vital we have all the information to keep your child safe in school, so please do this as soon as possible.
Incoming Year 7 - September 2025
Below, you will also find more information regarding preparing yourself and your child for their exciting new start in September. Please take a moment to read through the information and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. Your first contact should be our Transition Co-ordinator, Miss Eletu (OOY@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk)
Transition Day - Friday, 4 July 2025
Your next date for the diary is our Transition Day on Friday 4th July 2025. This is a day when your child will be invited to meet our friendly staff, familiarise themselves with the school, and of course, meet their future classmates. You will receive more information on this, via email and on our website, in due course.
Below, you will also find more information regarding preparing yourself and your child for their exciting new start in September. Please take a moment to read through the information and do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions. Your first contact should be our Transition Co-ordinator, Miss Eletu (Transition Co-ordinator / Technology Teacher: ooy@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk).
Year 7 First Day
Start date (Year 7 only): Wednesday 3rd September 2025, 8.30am – 1.30pm
Year 7 Entrance - Rosslyn Road Gate
Year 7 Exit – Buller Road Gate
Full school uniform required, including school bag, (ties and blazer badges available on request, on this day, if needed).
Packed lunch required, unless approved as entitled to Free School Meals.
School Uniform
Wearing the ECS badge and wearing smart school uniform with pride is an important part of our school community. Use the link below for details of all correct uniform items and places to purchase.
The essential equipment that we require your child to have is below:
- Reading Book
- Pen
- Pencil
- Ruler
The equipment we also use, that would be useful for your child to have is below:
- Green pen
- Rubber
- Sharpener
- Highlighter
- Maths set (protractor & compass)
- Calculator
If you are concerned that you cannot provide your child with any of the above, please do let us know and we will support you however you need.
Biometrics & Free School Meals
By consenting to Biometrics and completing the form on Applica+, you are enabling your child to get lunch from our cashless till system in the canteen. To ensure the system can be set up as efficiently as possible, we highly recommend your child brings a packed lunch for their first week of school. You will be notified when the biometrics and ParentPay have been synced, allowing your child to purchase lunch at the canteen.
School Meals Menu - https://www.eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk/School-Meals
If you are entitled to Free School Meals, lunch will be provided.
For Free School Meals information and the application form, please see the link: https://eforms.lbbd.gov.uk/free-school-meals
Tracking your child’s progress (My Child At School – MCAS app)
Using the MCAS app, you can have daily access to your child's education. This includes individual lesson attendance, positive & negative behaviour events, school reports, homework, and much more. Once your child has received their log-in to their own portal on the first day, you will be sent your own log-in details to access this. Download the MCAS app here
Parent Pay
We are a cashless school, which means all payment for resources, events, trips, etc is done via ParentPay. You will be sent your log-in details for this before September. If you do not receive your detail by Wednesday 3rd September 2025, please contact our Finance team at svi@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk. Please do not enquire about this until that date, as it can take time to be set up on our system over the summer.
Year 7 News Updates
Key Contacts
We want to ensure that your questions and queries are answered. Please see the contact details of specialist staff who are available for you:
Ms S Gladman: Executive Headteacher: kdunnell@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Ms K Ward: Head of Secondary: kwa@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Mr J Jhita: Senior Assistant Headteacher: jjh@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Mrs R Lastiotis: Deputy Headteacher & Safeguarding Lead: rla@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Mr M Read: Acting Assistant Headteacher: mre@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Miss O Eletu: Transition Co-ordinator / Technology Teacher: ooy@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Ms J Higson: Special Educational Needs Coordinator: JHI@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Mr Smith: Head of EAL: English as an Additional Language: SSM@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Ms H Devereux Murray: Deaf Additional Resource Provision: HMU@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Ms S Primus: Family Support Advisor (including FSM): SPR@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Mrs S Vincent: ParentPay & Finance: SVI@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk
Ms G Piskin: Attendance Manager: gca@eastbury.bardaglea.org.uk